Text Box: Soccer  ‘n’  Such



My Passion

Soccer ‘n’ Such

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Issues of the Day

Text Box: Come join us………...
Day: Every Sunday Morning
Time: 8am to 11am
Location: Open Field at Woodlands St 32
Age Groups: Under 12, Under 14, Under 16, Under 18
Text Box: By the way……..
If you’d like to send your team to The Friendship Cup ‘98, e-mail me for details and registration form at: yahyahma@mbox3.singnet.com.sg
And….we’re looking for friendly matches too, so contact me.

It started in early 1993 when I took some of my students in the neighbourhood for a Sunday jog at Woodlands Stadium. We then played soccer at a  nearby basketball court. It then became our regular activity every Sunday, jogging & a short game of soccer. Some boys suggested that we form a real soccer team & I be their coach. So WSBFC was born……..  

Text Box: We’ve taken part in so many tournaments & even went on tour recently to Malaysia. It’s a tremendous joy coaching these kids every Sunday morning & it also gives me an opportunity to inculcate some important basic human values on them. Their enthusiasm and deference for me as their  teacher & coach have continuously warmed my heart. It gives me great pleasure to think that I have touched  their lives in some positive way……...    
Text Box: Programme  for 1998 ........
Holiday-cum-Soccer Tour to Malacca in June
TheFriendshipCup‘98 - Junior 7-A-Side Soccer Tournament - in Nov/Dec
Regular friendly matches in and outside Woodlands 
Regular training every Sunday morning conducted by qualified coach                                       
Participation in other tournaments outside Text Box: WSB2000